FAQ43: A Laryngectomee's "Feelings"
I have come to learn something in the past six months about myself and my friends as a laryngectomy. My surgery was in Jan of 2003. I have been down and self conscious about my voice since the surgery (TEP). I was afraid that people that liked me before would not like me now and that I would not be able to meet and find new people that would like me as a friend. I have been convinced myself during the last few months that my self consciousness was totally unnecessary. I thank God that I was wrong. If someone does not want to be a friend it is not because of my voice and that is OK. Anything I do to please them will not change their feelings, because it is within them that they choose to be that way, not what I do or do not do. I have been able to come out of my shell and start to enjoy life again. My friends are there for me and I am still there for them. I have met new people that have become friends and some that have become acquaintances, but not friends. That is OK. My depressed feeling about life after my surgery was only within me and caused by no one else. I have done a lot of self examination with help from others to reach this point and wanted to share. I hope you all are doing well. Life is good again. Jim Rice |